Having come to this course late I am playing catch up and I feel it may take the remainder of my life (I am now 80 yrs. old) and beyond before I begin to digest and synthesize all the work you have presented Kim.

As I begin to explore the "edges" in and around me I am overwhelmed. It is easier to explore the edges" outside me but they are endless. Beginning with the room in which I study, just the windowsill, window frames each having a purpose some practical; the frame to hold the pane of glass in the window. The sill built to hold the heating and cooling unit, also provides a base for the items placed on it; salt lamp, hand thrown bowl, each providing edges some rounded some crisp. The register in the center to move hot and cool air throughout the room. on either side and below bookshelves filled different sizes and shapes of the books they contain, and within each book hundreds of pages their edges one upon another. Amazing, I haven't catalogued the walls, paintings, furniture, a plethora of edges every shape, size, and configuration.

Beyond the material edges are the ideas, opinions, fantasies. The distance imposed by the pandemic, and the desire for touching not only people but surfaces now forbidden unless sanitized. The requirement for each of us to be aware of the barriers between each of us that were never a concern before. Masks and face shields to protect us from the invisible dangers that lurked all around us. This list is only the tiniest beginning of all the "edges" seen and unseen, painful and delightful, that fill our days. I shall become more aware of what they all mean!

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