
What I’ve noticed this week is how many different emotions I experience in a day, even if not that intense - from delight at feeling the sun on my face and plants shooting up from the ground to sadness at hearing news from a friend to frustration at breaking something. I also noticed how much emotions are triggered by chance events. This week I got a call from Lifeline that my 90 year old neighbour had pressed her Lifeline device and wasn’t responding. I ran to her house and was terrified at what I might find. She was alright, it was an accident, and I felt instant relief. Just noticing how the emotions come and go.

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This is so very true! I appreciate you sharing this example, I can relate to this whirl wind and roller coaster of emtions. Just noticing is worthwhile!

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Apr 6, 2021Liked by Kim Manley Ort

Oh, Kim I can't believe this! I wrote a post capturing my thoughts and feeling about your posts over the past few months. Mostly to say your posts are inspiring and have moved me to bigger and greater thinking, feeling and loving. And better photography. You know how when you've written your best words and they disappear and you want to cry, well that's how I feel. So for now just a note to let you know, I LOVE your weekly Seeing Clearly posts and will gather my words and write again.

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Thank you Lois. Your thoughts and feelings come through loud and clear and I see it in your photographs.

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Apr 6, 2021Liked by Kim Manley Ort

Ahhh ThankYOU, Kim

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Apr 11, 2021Liked by Kim Manley Ort

Seeing with your heart are 4 words that impress deeply upon my whole being. You discuss the 3 cognitive levels, which I remember from your class: visceral , behavioral, and reflective. These are excellent reminders and prompts! I have been more aware of the visceral level, influencing me at a deeper level, both for myself and others! From the amazing and surprising to the deeper gut level awful feelings for myself and others. Reading your article helped make me become more aware of this level, which is interesting and helpful! Then I find at the reflective level I become more curious, questioning and asking why. I have found myself asking why more about everything, from small to big things. It makes life more interesting, though does not always provide the comfort I need. I find myself trying to move on in some way, numbing emotions through positive ways of moving my body, reaching out to others. Doing something active to get out of or extricate myself from a not so good feeling. I think meditation would help with some balance and peace. I have been telling myself to meditate for along time. Feldenkrais Method helps me slow down some whatever is bothering me. I need to learn how to self-regulate my feelings better. I am glad I wrote this comment. It helped me understand my process of doing and not doing more clearly. It will be ongoing,. Hopefully Seeing Clearly will provide some more direction/understanding with self-regulating and balance.. I am open and curious, I appreciate Lisa Barrett's comment that "we can't choose what we feel but that we have more control over out emotions than we think. We can nuture stress-reduction practices and we can choose to pay attention to out emotions and heed what they have to say." Thank you Kim for another wonderful and helpful writing that speaks to my heart!!!

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Sharana, you explain very well how the different levels work in you. Emotions will always be there. Might as well pay attention to them. Thank you for sharing your process.

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Apr 12, 2021Liked by Kim Manley Ort

Yes, the awareness and paying attention help, not always easy to move from there. But it is a very helpful start!!

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